Code reviews

A quick look at how we do Code Reviews at Wednesday. What it consists of, and a few guidelines that we stick to.

Code reviews are a fundamental part of ensuring what we deliver works well and adheres to our style guides and quality control standards.

Each pull request needs to be reviewed and signed-off by a team member.

While reviewing a pull request please ensure you follow these guidelines:

  • Take time: Never review in a hurry. It's a recipe for disaster.

  • Test: Pull the branch locally and test the feature. If you see the feature in action you will be able to review it better.

  • Read the description: Ensure the pull request has a brief description of the feature or enhancement. It's very important to get context from the author's perspective.

  • Be positive: We're all on the same team. Any kind of slander or provocation is not okay.

  • Ask questions: If something isn't making sense seek an answer from the author.

  • Legibility: Legible code is more reusable and future-proof. The author will always feel like it's readable but you as the reviewer are the real judge of this. Everything in terms of variable names, function names, class names, and modules should be understandable.

Last updated

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